My New Year’s Resolution

What I hope I could do to make this New Year batter is to see people recycle more. Andwhat I would do is to help my mom around the house more.What was your favorite thing that you did last year? Mine was being with family on thanksgiving, christmas, and exspecialy New Years Eve. This year I can make new people feel welcome to white oak. This year I am going to be a better, and smarter person.

“If you find $100,is it yours to keep”

 Are you kidding me! Why would you steal $100? I know I wouldn’t if I were to find $100 I would not keep it! I would rather find the owner for the $100.Instead of keeping it that’s just wrong. And if you were to keep it you would feel guilty soon. And then you will feel bad about yourself.I just hope you don’t canvince someone to do this because, then when people figure out that you kept that $100.You will feel even more guilty. So why would you do this bad thing in the first place?And is you were to not do it in the first place then everything will be ok.So now if you were to just pick it up careefully and you saw the person who dropped it.You can return it and then you would be a good person.I would not keep a wad of cash. If you wanted a decent bike buy it yourself and don’t just buy it with someoneelse’s money. You found

A Student Gets Paid At School!

Are you crazy why would you pay a child to go to school!  Because, I know I would’nt. That is just bad for their learning because,for example if a child has the flu for example me if i had the  flu of coursethe flu can spread.  So I go to school just for the money instead of staying home I don’t stay home I go to school just for the money and I have the flu if I get the money I can’t just leave after I get the money I have to stay all day ok I am staying at school  and then everybody surrounds me then next thing you know everybody in school gets the flu.  So don’t pay children to have good atendence.