Texas Ecoregions

Climate~ Humid Subtropical
Wildlife~ White tail deer,turkey,squirrels,buffalo,andhawks

An interesting fact I have learned about the Post Oak Savannah~
The most fire-tolerant of the oak species is the bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa), which is especially common in hill-country savannahs in the Midwest.

Nancy Zuch is a very good person because she is nice,caring, loving, and is helpful with all the kids she works with and she supports them because she is running a preschool for the kids with cancer. She isn’t like other people because she helps kids that have  diseases. Nancy actually cares about those kids. She loves them like family and wants them to full-fill their dreams. She pushes them to be the best they can be also she is loving to all of the kids that she cares for  since she is teaching at a preschool for kids that have cancer she tries to make everyone including other people that don’t have cancer feel strong. Nancy wants everyone to feel good abouttheirselfs so that they don’t think that they are different from everyone else.  She wants people to know that people that have cancer are not different from others she also has a daughter that has cancer so she knows what other people are going through so that’s why. Leave this sentence out.  She is helping kids at the preschool.  Just in case their parents can not help them then she helps them out this is my hero.